Shift, Change Your Words, Change Your World (Book)
If you could free yourself from fear forever and do it with ease and grace instead of struggle and turmoil, would you like to know how? Would you easily like to:
- Soothe the stress in your body?
- Focus your anger effectively?
- Release your guilt?
- Increase your awareness to increase your effectiveness?
- Discover and manifest your unique passions?
- Harmonize your relationships?
- Create miracles in your life?
eBook: 101 Paths to Peace, Power and Prosperity
What would it be worth to you to receive only one really good idea that turned your life around? $1 million? $100,000? Maybe $50,000?
If you didn’t have that kind of money, how much would you pay? $1,000? $500? $199.95? $69.95?
“101 Paths to Peace, Power and Prosperity†has not just one, but 134 terrific new ways of thinking that can turn your life around in an instant.
Video Series:
Change Your Words, Change Your World – The Secret to Developing That Unique Gift that is Yours Alone
- De-stress stressful relationships
- Free yourself from fear forever
- Use your anger constructively
- Know that you always have choices
- Master your life
- Find your life purpose.
Give your life the full meaning it is intended to have. Nurture that wonderful, unique inner gift that is yours alone. Invest in yourself now and be all that you can be. Get Change Your Words, Change Your World, today and begin playing right now with its new ideas and suggestions. You’ll be amazed as you watch yourself becoming smarter and stronger and your life getting better and better.

Word Sculptures – A Word Sculptures CD
by Janet Smith Warfield
1. Affirmations
2. Mystical Experience