Refreshingly original

—David Beale, Kalamunda, Australia

Brilliantly done!

—Chris Igwe, Paris, France

Stunningly simple

—Kimberly J. Alban, Pioneertown, California

Thought provoking, powerful, and beautiful

—Deb Augur, Washington

Deeply considered experiential language

—Gus Riley, United Kingdom


—Annette Sharpe, Vancouver, Canada

Changed my life

—Bradley E. Dugdale Jr., Coeur d’Alene, Idaho

What an experience!

—Kristi Endelicato, Lakewood, Colorado


—Simon Filtness, Essex, United Kingdom

Exceptionally valuable and helpful

—Seeker of Wisdom, New York, New York

Simple and beautifully expressed

—Dr. Pilar Tan, Elizabeth, New Jersey

Thought provoking and powerful

—Janet Apple, Venice, Florida

Amazing way of putting ideas together

—Ben Welcome, Roatan, Honduras

Profound insight

—Diane Gage, Forestville, California

Difficult to put down

—Roger Imerman, Boquete, Panama

Nothing changes and everything changes

—Ann Elliott, Columbia, South Carolina

Eloquently expressed

—Peter Blank, Andover, New York

Huge awakening in perspective

—Jae M. Rang, Toronto, Canada


“… loaded with easy insights that make self-mastery simple.”

—T. Harv Eker, Author of #1 NY Times bestseller, Secrets of the Millionaire Mind

 “… extraordinary results.”

—Bob Proctor, best-selling author of You Were Born Rich and featured teacher in The Secret

“…. greater peace in our own hearts and in the world.”

—Dr. Shauna L. Shapiro, co-author of The Art and Science of Mindfulness:
Integrating Mindfulness into the Helping Professions

and associate professor of counseling psychology, Santa Clara University

“…. not only accessible but fun to explore.”

—Hal Zina Bennett, PhD, author of The Lens of Perception: A User’s Guide to Higher Consciousness
and writing coach to many bestselling authors and Oprah guests


Like spending an afternoon with an exceptionally insightful friend …”

—Bobbye Middendorf, reviewer, ForeWord Magazine

“ . . . a remarkable self-help guide to adapting one’s consciousness to help bring peace to oneself and to the planet, one person at a time.”

—Margaret Lane, reviewer, Midwest Book Review

“By using ‘word-sculptures’ . . . Warfield aims not to state Truth, but rather to provide readers with creative tools to find their own truth. . . .”

iShift Magazine, Institute of Noetic Sciences

“…. Janet helps readers of all backgrounds and faiths to understand and internalize timeless wisdom.”

—Bernie Nelson, reviewer, Lightword Publishing

“…. flows through you, like a stream of linguistic wisdom.”

—Julie Clayton, New Consciousness Review

Additional Information

Word Sculptures Publishing, L.P.
3225 McLeod Drive, Suite 100
Las Vegas, Nevada 89121
